Best and second best time to start

That’s me in my grandmother’s back yard. Their home was way different than ours. Sensible. Orderly. Quite a contrast and I noticed.

Our house was stressful and chaotic. Theirs felt peaceful and normal. I think they showed me peaceful and normal on purpose.

We washed windows and made tea. Little oasis moments in a little oasis place with oasis people.

A bit of purposeful, positive oasis-making can start with anyone. Doesn’t have to be a grandmother. It can be mom. Or dad, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, cousin.

Best time to start is when the family is young. Next best time is now.


A Family Like Yours is 31 Days of encouragement to help you appreciate, influence, and love the family you have (no matter what).

This is day 5.

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About the Author


Gary Morland helps you feel better about your most challenging family relationships, and helps you actually improve those relationships - all by adopting simple attitudes, perspectives, expectations, and actions (the same ones that changed him and his family).